Author: Karina Cooper
Publisher: Avon Impulse
Date Published: March 5th, 2013
Author Info: Website|Facebook|Twitter
3 out of 5 Stars
***Review copy provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for my honest review***
In this Dark Mission novella, Jonas Stone emerges from the shadows into his own story, and finally allows himself to have the same shot at love he's given his friends.What I Loved:
Jonas Stone has been given his first independent operation: rescue the insurrection leader's imprisoned grandson from the Mission. Getting the job done means more than getting Danny Granger out--it means staying with him while he heals. Staying too close, for way too long.
Danny is everything Jonas isn't: confident, optimistic, honest--a man to be reckoned with. If only it didn't mean going against everything Jonas has planned. He's kept his secrets for years, hid behind a mask no one could see through...until now. Danny isn't the kind of man Jonas deserves. But he might be exactly the man he needs...
The characters were great, the romance was HOT, and I immediately wanted to know more about this series. I didn't read any of the previous books, which I really should have for this series, but I still enjoyed it and wasn't too lost. I absolutely loved the beginning of the book, and how Jonas and Danny meet. I also liked that their personalities and back-stories were so different, with Danny being comfortable with his sexuality and Jonas not, it made for some interesting conflict.
What I Didn't:
The only problem that I had with this story is just that it was too rushed, especially towards the end. It's my major complaint with most novellas, and this one would have been so much better to me if it had been longer. I guess it's not always a bad thing to want more of a story, but I felt like there should have been more depth and detail in the last parts of the book. Give me More :)
It was a good read, although shorter than I would have liked.
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