Bought, Borrowed, and Bagged #52

BB&B (Bought, Borrowed and Bagged) is a weekly meme hosted by Talk Supe where we share the books that we have bought, borrowed or bagged (won) plus a recap of the previous week's reviews, upcoming reviews, on going events and any news we want to share with our followers.
Click the picture for the Amazon link or the title for the Goodreads link.


On the Edge (The Edge #1) by Ilona Andrews -


From the Library (ebooks):

After Dark (Harmony #1) by Jayne Castle, Stone Cold (Broken Magic #2) by Devon Monk, Caressed by Ice (Psy-Changeling #3) by Nalini Singh


From Netgalley:

Crimson Heart (Highland Hearts #3) by Heather McCollum

Last Week on Book Liaison:

Blog News:

  This little cutie has been taking up most of my free time lately, and don't forget my three other munchkins are all home for summer vacation :) I have finished reading several books since my last BB&B, but I haven't had much quiet time to write reviews, go figure. I will get to them. Eventually :)
And we passed our 2 year Blogoversary on May1st!!! Yay!

SAHM to four rowdy kids. Avid reader and blogger.


  1. Awww what a chunky cutie princess! Thanks for sharing her photo!

  2. No problem, I love showing off the little chunky monkey :)


Leave me a comment! I love to talk books :)