Book: Mackenzie's Mountain (Mackenzie Family #1)
Author: Linda Howard
Publisher: Mira Books
Date Published: March 1st, 2000
ISBN: 1551665743
Author & Book Info:
3 out of 5 Stars
Blurb: A small Wyoming town is about to learn a few lessons from a new schoolteacher with the courage to win the heart of a man who swore he had nothing to give....
Mary Elizabeth Potter is a self-appointed spinster with no illusions about love. But she is a good teacher and she wants Wolf Mackenzie s son back in school. And after one heated confrontation with the boy s father, she knows father and son have changed her life forever.
Still paying for a crime he didn't commit, Wolf Mackenzie has a chip on his shoulder the size of Wyoming. But prim-and-proper Mary Elizabeth Potter doesn't see Wolf as the dangerous half-breed the town has branded him. Somehow she sees him as a good, decent, honest man. A man who could love...
Wolf s not sure he or the town of Ruth, Wyoming is ready for the taming of Wolf Mackenzie.
In Mackenzie’s Mountain (Mackenzie family #1), Wolf Mackenzie, who was thrown into jail for a crime he didn’t commit, has been the black sheep of Ruth, a small town in Wyoming, ever since he moved there.
The story behind his undue imprisonment is: Six years after the birth of his son Joe and only just having moved to Ruth, Wolf is questioned by the police for the rape and murder of a girl in a near county but let go due to insufficient evidence. A couple of weeks later another girl is raped but survives and because of information she provides in regards to her attacker, Wolf is found guilty and jailed. While in prison, the real perpetrator of the crimes is caught and Wolf is let go.
Presently: Regrettably, the drop of his charges doesn’t change the town’s views for although Wolf is an honest, hard-working man who doesn’t have much contact with the community beyond getting supplies and doing business with them, they are quick to point the finger at him when another girl is raped almost ten years later.
Mary Elizabeth Potter is a school teacher who believes education is important, so important she’s even willing to drive up Mackenzie’s Mountain in a grossly unprepared state to convince Joe Mackenzie that he mustn’t throw away his schooling. To avoid actually telling you what happens with Mary in the book that is all I can say. She has no past outside recollections of her proper Aunt Ardith’s teachings on the ways of proper things.
To be truthful, I was and still am confused about what time the book was set in. The racism and the type of names Wolf and his son were called grated on my nerves but as long as the author had them in the book solely for historical purposes, they don’t take away from it being a good read.
The story behind his undue imprisonment is: Six years after the birth of his son Joe and only just having moved to Ruth, Wolf is questioned by the police for the rape and murder of a girl in a near county but let go due to insufficient evidence. A couple of weeks later another girl is raped but survives and because of information she provides in regards to her attacker, Wolf is found guilty and jailed. While in prison, the real perpetrator of the crimes is caught and Wolf is let go.
Presently: Regrettably, the drop of his charges doesn’t change the town’s views for although Wolf is an honest, hard-working man who doesn’t have much contact with the community beyond getting supplies and doing business with them, they are quick to point the finger at him when another girl is raped almost ten years later.
Mary Elizabeth Potter is a school teacher who believes education is important, so important she’s even willing to drive up Mackenzie’s Mountain in a grossly unprepared state to convince Joe Mackenzie that he mustn’t throw away his schooling. To avoid actually telling you what happens with Mary in the book that is all I can say. She has no past outside recollections of her proper Aunt Ardith’s teachings on the ways of proper things.
To be truthful, I was and still am confused about what time the book was set in. The racism and the type of names Wolf and his son were called grated on my nerves but as long as the author had them in the book solely for historical purposes, they don’t take away from it being a good read.
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